SuperShuttle App: New Help Center

SuperShuttle App Features

Do you have questions about your SuperShuttle or ExecuCar ride? SuperShuttle riders can now access answers to everything right in the SuperShuttle app!

This new app release offers travelers the ability to submit questions to the SuperShuttle customer care team or simply find readable answers to frequently asked questions, without having to leave the app. Whether you have a question about scheduling transportation or simply finding your ride at the airport, we want to help.

Where do I find this update in the SuperShuttle app?

First, log in or open your SuperShuttle app. The FAQs and Questions forms can be found in the Menu, within the section labeled Help Center.


Click on the menu bars in the top right corner of the app

1st FAQ

Next, all the way down at the bottom, click on “Help Center”

2nd FAQ


You will be directed to this page:

app homepage


If you select FAQ, you will be directed to this page:



Click on any option (in blue text) to find answers to common questions. If you found the answer you are looking for and want to get back to the previous page, simply click the arrow in the upper left-hand corner.

Not finding what you are looking for? No problem – submit a personal question right through ‘My Questions.’

Help Center: My Questions

Sometimes you have a question about a specific service that isn’t listed in the FAQ section. Now, with our newest feature on the app, you can submit a question to SuperShuttle. Questions are expected to be answered within a 72-hour period.

The ‘My Questions’ section also keeps track of the questions you have submitted, allowing you to see if you have received an answer.

Once you click on, “My Questions,” it will bring you to this page:

4th FAQ


To ask a new question, click on the top right corner on the pen and paper symbol. This is where you can submit question to the SuperShuttle Customer Care team.

If you have asked previous questions, your question(s) will show up in a list. If a question has been answered it will appear as “closed.” If you recently submitted a question and it hasn’t been answered yet, it will appear as “open.”

SuperShuttle App Updates

New updates are constantly released on the SuperShuttle app. Now you know what’s new with us, be sure to stay connected on all things SuperShuttle by following us on social media and signing up for SuperShuttle emails! promotions and announcements.