SuperShuttle got its start by providing travelers with the opportunity to share a ride to the airport. From the very beginning, shared-rides were intended to offer a transportation option that was...
First Class and Coach
Ever wonder what it would be like to fly first class? Flying coach is the standard choice for passengers, but it works for where you need to go. If you could be upgraded to...
Children are little bundles of energy, ready to go go go in any situation. The last place you want your child hyper or misbehaved is on an airplane.
Everyone dreads sitting next to the person with...
Motion sickness is a horrible thing to have to deal with. It occurs when the inner ear and the eyes send conflicting signals to the brain. This happens when you are in a car, airplane or boat, but it...
Searching for the perfect travel planning apps for your next vacation? Check out SuperShuttle’s list of some of the most well-known apps to help with travel.
Hipmunk- This app will save you...
Have you ever wondered where your bag goes after check in?
Believe it or not, the luggage processing system is complex and takes a lot of time and effort from the airport staff. The three main jobs...
Have you ever heard of travel stress? Many of us have and definitely know that traveling is supposed to be fun, but sometimes it can be stressful. Being in an airport, flying on a cramped plane and...
If you think about, literally every city has history. But some stand out from others – the landmarks, the monuments, the significant buildings and homes… If you’re a history buff who can’t...
One of the best things about America is the wilderness. It’s so vast and varied that you can find any landscape you can ever think of, right here in your backyard. And sometimes, you just need to...
Don’t get stuck here.
Thanks to our new Airport Mobile Self Check-In, you’ll never have to wait in the SuperShuttle check-in line at the airport ever again! The new process is seamless and...