Looking to stay “up to speed” on all things SuperShuttle? The best way to stay informed about upcoming discounts, local events and even airport updates is to sign up to receive SuperShuttle...
Checking in for a flight online gives travelers peace of mind knowing that they have a secure spot on the plane and an easy way to access a boarding pass. What if there was a way to check-in for your...
Since 1972, the Austin Police Department has spearheaded Operation Blue Santa, an effort that provides local families with a holiday meal and toys for each child in the family under the age of 14...
Okay, so you have your outfit on that you have been creating for the past week, month, year! And now it is time to get to that Halloween bash with your closest friends and family. Why not schedule...
Wouldn’t it be nice to have personal travel planner all the time? A person who could find you the best deals and easily book your flight, hotel and transportation? You could hire someone, or you...
Did you know? SuperShuttle offers transportation service in over 40 airports and cities nationwide with various options in each city. We are pleased to announce we now offer 28-passenger buses for...
A number of our customers like to get an idea of what their ride will cost before booking a trip. To learn how to get a quote using SuperShuttle.com, follow the steps outlined below. 1. Go to...
Do you currently have a SuperShuttle account, but want to update or change your email associated with the account? No problem! There is an easy solution, allowing you to simply change your email via...
Did you know, you are able to contact your SuperShuttle driver directly? A new technology-based feature is now available to all of our travelers. Called, Contact Driver, this feature offers an easier...
SuperShuttle was thrilled to be a part of this year’s Fill the Bus charity event held in Las Vegas. Partnering with Communities in Schools of Nevada, News 3, Lotus Broadcasting, and Sam’s Club...